Clark Bar Updates:

December 7, 2023 : SOURCE OF INCOME ORDINANCES IN TEMPE, PHOENIX AND TUCSON October 12, 2023 : CARES ACT COMPLIANCE May 1, 2023 : SOURCE OF INCOME PROTECTION FACT SHEET March 21, 2023 : ENFORCEMENT OF SOURCE OF INCOME ORDINANCES (TUCSON AND PHOENIX) March 8, 2023 : ATTORNEY GENERAL CLEARS PATH FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SOURCE OF INCOME ORDINANCES (TUCSON AND PHOENIX) April 7, 2022 : JUDY DRICKEY-PROHOW, ESQ February 1, 2022 : UPDATED NOTICE & MANDATORY EVICTION INTAKE FORM October 4th, 2021 : NOTICE & MANDATORY EVICTION INTAKE FORM September 1st, 2021 : COVID-19 - NON-PAYMENT CASES REQUIRE 6 MONTHS OF TENANT LEDGER August 27th, 2021 : COVID-19 - FOLLOW-UP - CDC EVICTION MORATORIUM DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL August 26th, 2021 : COVID-19 - CDC EVICTION MORATORIUM DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL August 19th, 2021 : COVID-19 - CARES ACT COMMUNITIES REMINDER & NOTICE August 6th, 2021 : COVID-19 - POSSIBLE DELAYED COURT HEARINGS August 3rd, 2021 : COVID-19 - *** CDC Issues New Order Temporarily Halting All Financial Evictions in the United States *** July 30th, 2021 : COVID-19 - *** Advisory for Cares Act Covered Communities *** July 22nd, 2021 : COVID-19 - The Return to Normalcy: How to Execute Writs on Cases Delayed by the CDC Moratorium June 30th, 2021 : COVID-19 - UPDATED AO 2021-47 LANDLORD CERTIFICATION 7/1/2021 June 24th, 2021 : COVID-19 - CDC EXTENDED ITS ORDER THROUGH 7/31/2021 June 11th, 2021 : COVID-19 - ** CRITICAL CDC ORDER UPDATE & UPDATED FORM ** June 7th, 2021 : COVID-19 - ** CRITICAL CDC ORDER UPDATE & UPDATED FORM ** May 24th, 2021 : COVID-19 - Expiration of CARES Act - Changes to Non-Payment of Rent Notice April 22, 2021 : COVID-19 - CFPB RULE CHANGE AFFECTION ISSUANCE OF NON-PAYMENT OF RENT NOTICES IN ARIZONA April 14, 2021 : COVID-19 - **UPDATE - CRITICAL CDC ORDER UPDATE & UPDATED FORM** April 5, 2021 : COVID-19 - **CRITICAL CDC ORDER UPDATE & UPDATED FORM** March 30, 2021 : COVID-19 - CDC EXTENDED ITS ORDER THROUGH 6/30/2021 February 26, 2021 : COVID-19 - CDC ORDER TEMPORARILY HALTING CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL EVICTIONS DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL February 23, 2021 : COVID-19 - UPDATED RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS BY COUNTY February 19, 2021 : COVID-19 - RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS BY COUNTY February 2, 2021 : COVID-19 - PIMA COUNTY - CDC EVICTION MORATORIUM February 1, 2021 : COVID-19 - CDC EXTENDS ORDER TEMPORARILY HALTING ALL FINANCIAL EVICTIONS IN U.S. January 28, 2021 : COVID-19 - ** CRITICAL CDC ORDER UPDATE ** January 4, 2021 : COVID-19 - NEW CDC DECLARATION ATTESTATION FORM - AO 229 LANDLORD CERTIFCATION December 22, 2020 : COVID-19 - EVICTION PROTOCOL UPDATE December 18, 2020 : PIMA COUNTY - NEW MASK RESOLUTION October 22, 2020 : COVID-19 - UPDATED CDC DECLARATION ATTESTATION FORM (V5) October 14, 2020 : COVID-19 - CRITICAL SECOND UPDATE - CDC Order Temporarily Halting Evictions October 12, 2020 : COVID-19 - CRITICAL UPDATE - CDC Order Temporarily Halting Evictions September 23, 2020 : COVID-19 - Thirty (30) day notice (CARES ACT COVERED PROPERTY) September 9, 2020 : COVID-19 - Arizona Non-Payment Evictions During the CDC Order September 2, 2020 : COVID-19 - CDC SEEKS TO TEMPORARILY HALT ALL FINANCIAL EVICTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES August 26, 2020 : COVID-19 - ARIZONA GYM/FITNESS REOPENING August 18, 2020 : COVID-19 - ARIZONA GYM/FITNESS CENTER REOPENING GUIDELINES August 12, 2020 : COVID-19 - WHY FILE NON-PAYMENT EVICTIONS? August 4, 2020 : COVID-19 - GOVERNOR RELEASED RENTAL PROPERTY OWNER PRESERVATION FUND - APPLY TODAY! July 17, 2020 : COVID-19 - EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY POSTPONEMENT OF THE EXECUTION OF THE WRIT OF RESTITUTION July 7, 2020 : COVID-19 - EXPIRATION OF CARES ACT - Changes to Non-Payment of Rent Notice June 29, 2020 : COVID-19 - PAUSING OF ARIZONA'S REOPENING April 3, 2020 : COVID-19: NEW PAID LEAVE AND FMLA RULES April 1, 2020 : COVID-19: Governor Ducey's Stay at Home Order April 1, 2020 : COVID-19: EVICTION PROTOCOL UPDATE March 28, 2020 : COVID-19: SUMMARY March 25, 2020 : COVID-19: PIMA COUNTY JUSTICE COURT CHANGES March 25, 2020 : COVID-19: Compliance with Non-Discrimination Laws March 24, 2020 : **REVISED** COVID-19 Eviction Protocol Update March 23, 2020 : IMPORTANT LEGAL UPDATE - Families First Coronavirus Response Act March 20, 2020 : Arizona Multihousing Association seeks assistance in getting tenants to petition AZ Legislature to Approve Immediate Emergency Funding for Eviction Prevention March 20, 2020 : IMPORTANT LEGAL UPDATE for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) March 20, 2020 : SUMMARY OF AZ TRIAL COURT COVID-19 PROCEDURES March 19, 2020 : IMPORTANT EVICTION UPDATE for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) March 18, 2020 : FAQ for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) March 15, 2020 : Coronavirus ("Covid-19")


Clark & Walker, P.C. - Attorneys at Law
Date: October 14, 2020

COVID-19 - CRITICAL SECOND UPDATE - CDC Order Temporarily Halting Evictions
By: Christopher R. Walker

Dear Client(s):

On Monday, October 12, 2020 a Clark Bars Article was sent out concerning the changes in the approach taken by the CDC and DOJ concerning the September 4, 2020 CDC Order Temporarily Halting Evictions. As indicated previously, the CDC provided a document titled “Frequently Asked Questions” concerning the Order. In this document the CDC provided that the Order was not intended to terminate or suspend the operations of any state or local court nor was it intended to prevent landlords from starting eviction proceedings, provided that the actual eviction of a covered person for non-payment of rent does NOT take place during the period of the Order.

On Monday, October 12, 2020 this information along with a brief submitted by the DOJ in support of CDC’s eviction ban was provided to the Arizona Supreme Court and an ask was made of the Court to permit plaintiff’s to obtain judgment and, in cases where a tenant provides a lawful CDC declaration, order the writ of restitution to issue after December 31, 2020. On October 14, 2020 the Supreme Court responded to our request.

Pursuant to Administrative Order 2020-163 in which the Arizona Supreme Court authorized Plaintiffs to file eviction cases and even obtain judgments in non-payment of rent matters and, presumably, non-renewal matters, despite the submission from the tenant of a CDC declaration. The Plaintiff may, at its option, contest the validity of the statements made by the tenant in the CDC declaration and seek the Court to invalidate the declaration, provided the Plaintiff can prove by the preponderance of the evidence that one or more of the statements in the declaration is false. Alternatively, the Plaintiff can leave the writ date as January 4, 2021. Please note, not every judge will grant the judgment, some may instead elect to continue the case until after December 31, 2020. While there are likely some judges that will do this we believe those judges to be few in number and have legal arguments at our disposal as to why a continuance is not proper.

So what are the major takeaways from this development?
  • Landlords should process their evictions for all tenants, even those with CDC declarations;
  • Landlords need to advise the Firm that the CDC declaration was received from the tenant;
  • Judgments can be entered for non-payment of rent cases even when a CDC declaration is provided;
  • Non-payment of rent cases with a valid CDC declaration will result in either the granting of a judgment with a writ to execute after December 31, 2020 or may, in some courts, be continued until January 4, 2021; an
  • Landlords retain the right to challenge any declaration received from a tenant.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the Order and the Court’s interpretation of the Order please direct them to Christopher Walker via email at or via phone at (602) 957-7877.

Clark & Walker, P.C. - Attorneys at Law


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